picture of Bernd Köppen

pipe organ

Bernd Köppen
Bernd (*1951 in Wuppertal/Germany) studied piano and composition at the Bergisches Landeskonservatorium in Wuppertal. He decided then to work as a free lance pianist as well as an organist.
From the very beginning, Bernd's skills lied in the free improvisation. He did not follow any of the roots or traditions, but created his own style of free jazz. He built up a remarkable reputation as one of the most important free piano player in Europe. He toured through Western and Eastern Europe and Japan. Also, he presented compositions for the cinema and the theatre, as well as sound performances. Various albums with Bernd Köppen were released, mostly with piano music.
Since 1995, Bernd works also as the organist and cantor at the Neue Reformierte Kirche in Wuppertal-Elberfeld.
contact: senti-records@wtal.de
on tour Click on the logo to see Bernd's tour dates.


Tanz der Altarfiguren
Senti SE03
recorded January 1984 at Maria Magdalene church in Haltern/Germany
Bernd Köppen, church organ
Heinz Becker, trumpet, flugelhorn, pan flute
Jazz & Pipe Organ
United Sound
recorded 29 September to 03 October 2004 in Chelyabinsk/Russia
Vladimir Khomiakov, pipe organ
Daniil Kramer, pipe organ
Bernd Köppen, pipe organ
David Timm, pipe organ
Ulrik Spang-Hanssen, pipe organ
Anastasia Sidelnikova, pipe organ
Vjatscheslaw Gorskij, pipe organ
Johannes Landgren, pipe organ
Håkan Lewin, alto sax

Sound Samples
MP3 n/a
Video n/a


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